Popular Expressions & Idioms in English (6)

  1. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs = On ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser des œufs
  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away = Il vaut mieux aller au moulin qu’au médecin
  3. Heaven helps those who help themselves = Aide-toi, le ciel t’aidera
  4. In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king = Au royaume des aveugles les borgnes sont rois
  5. The guilty dog barks the loudest = C’est la poule qui chante qui a fait l’œuf
  6. Empty vessels make the most noise = Ce sont les tonneaux vides qui font le plus de bruit
  7. A bad workman blames his tools = À mauvais ouvrier point de bons outils

The verb “must”

We use “must” to express necessity or obligation in the present. It is a modal verb therefore it does not have an infinitive form. Because of this, the auxiliary verb “will” cannot precede “must”. We express necessity or obligation in the future with the verb “to have to”.

Examples to see how to use “will have to” to express future obligation:

I will have to do all my homework before I go to the cinema.

You will have to study more if you want to pass all your exams.

The structure is the same for all persons and we can use the contracted forms of “will”. For example,

I’ll have to do all my homework before I go to the cinema.

You’ll have to study more if you want to pass all your exams.

OK, now let’s have a look at some examples of “will have to” in the negative.

Using the negative form of “will” is very simple: we put “not” after “will” or use the contraction “won’t”. “will not have to” and “won’t have to” express a lack of obligation.

Here are some examples:

She won’t have to worry about working anymore now that’s she’s won the lottery.

The kids won’t have to go to school tomorrow, it’s a bank holiday!

In questions the auxiliary “will” goes before the subject. For example,

Will you have to go to Japan again next month?

What will he have to do in his new job?

For example, if someone asked you “Will you have to work on Saturday?”, you could answer “Yes, I will” or “No, I won’t”.